ClimateImpactsOnline for the Amazon region

ClimateImpactsOnline provides information on possible impacts of climate change on the Amazon region.

The Amazon rainforest hosts 25% of Earth's biodiversity and plays a key role in the global water and carbon cycle. The Amazon forest itself, as well as large parts of South America depend on precipitation that results from the moisture recycled within a functioning Amazon ecosystem. An intact Amazon rainforest is amongst the world's largest carbon sinks, contributing to offset carbon emissions. The climate crisis is increasing the risk of extreme events such as intense rainfalls, hotter temperatures and prolonged dry spells. In combination with human induced pressure (such as deforestation), climate change already negatively impacts the functioning of the Amazon rainforest. How projected future climate change scenarios impact the ecosystem services of the Amazon, namely carbon sequestration (biomass), contribution to the water cycle (evapotranspiration), and the spatial distribution of biodiversity (functional richness) is addressed in this web-based tool. Web-based tools can help policy and decision makers, scientists, as well as farmers to better respond to climate change.

Additional information on cities' locations, water bodies, forests and mountains at different administrative level is available to understand the local impacts.

For questions please contact us under the following email: climateimpacts(at)

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