About Climate Impacts Online India

This page illustrates the possible impacts of climate change on the United Republic of India. Climate change is impacting several livelihoods in India. There is a need for the state-of-the-art information about climate change risks, vulnerability, and adaptation assessments. This page targets on helping policy and decision-makers, farmers and the general public to respond to climate change. This portal provides information related to historical and projected scenarios of temperature and precipitation at different SSPs. Observervational data is available for the period 1981-2014 and simulation results for the past and future, the latter is derived from the CMIP6 simulation collaboration using the ISIMIP 3b global climate model data. The portal displays three future climate pathways (SSP 1.26, 3.70 and 5.85), that describe the development of societal drivers of human interference with the climate system. Additional information on cities locations and water bodies at different administrative levels and for protection areas is available to understand the local impacts.

For questions please contact us under the following email: climateimpacts(at)pik-potsdam.de

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